Patch Management Services

Silvergate Technology's Patch Management services will lift the burden of security patch management off the shoulders of your IT staff. We will administer the security updates for Windows, Linux and UNIX operating systems, powering your business from within our data centre and automatically ensuring security compliance.

Our Patch Management Service provides a full life cycle of patch management to lower the risk of security breaches and mitigate downtime for mission-critical applications.

Tasks related to IT infrastructure security consume more IT resources than anything else. Nevertheless, all too often, unsuspected vulnerabilities are still exploited - and the enterprise flounders. The problem often lies with the myriad, and sometimes conflicting, security patches issued in never-ending streams across multiple platforms.

A single instance of non-compliance can leave your entire enterprise at risk. However, ensuring enterprise-wide compliance is a laborious and time-consuming task which can divert valuable resources from other more strategic IT projects that are intended to make your business more competitive.

With Silvergate Technology handling your Patch Management your IT staff will be able to focus on initiatives that support strategic goals - this will be good for business and good for morale.